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Istoria ciocolatei incepe o data cu descoperirea Americii. Cand Cristofor Columb s-a intors din a 4-a lui calatorie in Lumea Noua, a adus regelui Ferdinand si reginei Izabela boabe de cacao. In timpul invaziei in Mexic a lui Hernᮍ Cort鳠in 1519, indienii azteci au fost gasiti folosind boabe de cacao in prepararea unei bauturi regesti , numita ӣhocolatlԬ adica lichid fierbinte. Tratau aceasta bautura ca fiind ӭancarea zeilorԮ ӃhocolatlԠera foarte amara, drept pentru care, Cort鳠si insotitorii lui au emis ideea indulcirii ei cu trestie de zahar. Tot ei au luat acesta bautura in Spania si au imbunatatit-o, punandu-i scortisoara si vanilie. Au decis ca bautura are gust mai bun daca este servita fierbinte. Noua bautura a prins foarte bine, mai ales la aristocratii spanioli. Spaniolii au inceput sa planteze cacao in coloniile lor dind nastere unei afaceri prospere. Ei au tinut secret aceasta industrie multe sute de ani dar niste calugari spanioli au lasat pana la urma ca secretul sa scape. Aceasta bautura s-a raspandit repede in Europa si in 1657 a aparut una dintre cele mai faimoase case englezesti de ciocolata. In 1828 au aparut tehnici mecanizate de macinare a boabelor de cacao (presa pentru boabele de cacao) care a dus la scaderea pretului ciocolatei. Datorita acestei prese a fost imbunatatita si bautura din cacao pentru ca prin presare era stoarsa grasimea pe care o contineau boabele de cacao. In secolul XIX au fost 2 mari revolutii in istoria ciocolatei: o companie engleza a produs prima ciocolata solida de mancat - ciocolata fondanta fina si matasoasa, iar in 1876, elvetianul Daniel Peter a introdus laptele in ciocolata si a creat un produs care si astazi aduce bucurie: ciocolata cu lapte. In America a avut un mare succes si s-a dezvoltat foarte repede. In 1765 a aparut prima fabrica de ciocolata. In prezent, guvernul american ii recunoaste rolul. Ciocolata face parte din ratia soldatilor americani inca din timpul celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial si este nelipsita din dieta astronautilor.

Răspuns :

Chocolate's history begins with the discovery of America. When Christopher Columbus returned from his fourth trip to the new world, brought to King Ferdinand and Queen Jezebel cocoa beans. During his invasion of Mexico in ᮍ Cort鳠in Hern 1519, Aztec Indians were found using cocoa beans in the preparation of a beverage called ӣhocolatlԬ regesti, meaning the hot liquid. Treated this drink as ӭancarea very zeilorԮ ӃhocolatlԠera amara, his companions, Cort鳠si issued her with a indulcirii idea of sugar cane. All they've got this drink in Spain and have improved it, giving them cinnamon and vanilla. They decided that the drink tastes better if it is served hot. New booze has taken very well, especially the Spanish aristocracy. The Spaniards began to plant cocoa in their colonies giving birth to a prosperous business. They have kept secret the industry many hundreds of years old but some Spanish monks left the secret to get out. This drink spread quickly in Europe and in 1657 appeared one of the most famous English houses. In 1828 appeared mechanised techniques of grinding cocoa beans (for cocoa beans) which resulted in the decrease of the price of chocolate. Because the mill was improved and cocoa drink for risers as it was squeezed on a fat contained cocoa beans. In the 19th century there were 2 large revolution in the history of chocolate: an English company produced the first solid chocolate for eating chocolate fondant-fine and silky, and in 1876, dammycrils Daniel Peter introduced milk in chocolate and created a product that even today brings joy: milk chocolate. In America had a great success and has developed very quickly. In 1765 appeared the first chocolate factory. Currently, the u.s. Government recognizes the role. Chocolate is part of American soldiers since rations during World War II and is ubiquitous in the diet be.