a fost răspuns

Versiunea in limba engleza (traducere) a textului:
― Am să port grumăjer când tratez cu ei, zise Jaime, cu umbra unui zâmbet.

Am de gând să-i ofer termeni generoşi.

Dacă ar putea pune capăt acestui asediu fără vărsare de sânge, atunci nu s-ar

putea spune că a ridicat armele împotriva Casei Tully.


― N-ai decât să încerci, dar mă îndoiesc că vorbele ne vor aduce vreun câştig.

Trebuie să asediem castelul.

Fusese o vreme, nu foarte demult, când, fără îndoială, Jaime ar fi forţat aceeaşi

cale. Ştia că nu putea sta aici încă doi ani, aşteptând ca Peştele Negru să moară de


― Orice-am face, trebuie să acţionăm repede, îi spuse el lui Ser Daven. Locul

meu e înapoi la Debarcaderul Regelui, alături de Tommen.

― Da, fu de acord vărul său. Nu mă îndoiesc că sora ta are nevoie de tine. De

ce l-a trimis pe Ser Kevan? Credeam că-l va face Mână.

― N-a vrut să accepte. N-a fost la fel de orb ca mine.

― Kevan ar trebui să fie Păzitorul Apusului. Sau tu. Nu că n-aş fi recunoscător

pentru această onoare, bagă de seamă, dar unchiul nostru are de două ori vârsta

mea şi mai multă experienţă în ale stăpânirii. Sper că ştie că n-am cerut niciodată


― Ştie.

― Cersei ce mai face? Este la fel de frumoasă?

Răspuns :

- I'll deal with them when grumăjer port, said Jaime, with the shadow of a smile. I'm going to give him generous terms. If he could end this siege without bloodshed, then there would could say that up arms against House Tully. 63 - Go ahead try, but I doubt that words will bring some gain. We must besieged castle. It was a time, not very long ago when, no doubt, would be forced Jaime same way. He knew he could not stay here another two years, waiting for the fish to die Black hunger. - Whatever we do, we must act quickly, 'he told Ser Daven. place Is my back to King's Landing, along with Tommen. - Yes, he agreed his cousin. I do not doubt that your sister needs you. Of What makes him Ser Kevan? I thought it would make hand. - He wants to accept. It was as blind as me. - Kevan should be Guardian of the West. Or you. Not that I would be grateful for this honor, mind you, but our uncle has twice the age and my more experienced in the rule. I hope he knows that I have never asked this. - He knows. - Cersei you doing? It is as beautiful?
I grumăjer port when treating them, said Jaime, with the shadow of a smile.
I'm going to give him generous terms.
If he could end this siege without bloodshed, then there would
could say that up arms against House Tully.
- Go ahead try, but I doubt that words will bring some gain.
We must besieged castle.
It was a time, not very long ago when, no doubt, would be forced Jaime same
way. He knew he could not stay here another two years, waiting for the fish to die Black
- Whatever we do, we must act quickly, 'he told Ser Daven. place
Is my back to King's Landing, along with Tommen.
- Yes, he agreed his cousin. I do not doubt that your sister needs you. Of
What makes him Ser Kevan? I thought it would make hand.
- He wants to accept. It was as blind as me.
- Kevan should be Guardian of the West. Or you. Not that I would be grateful
for this honor, mind you, but our uncle has twice the age
and my more experienced in the rule. I hope he knows that I have never asked
- He knows.
- Cersei you doing? It is as beautiful?