a fost răspuns

Vreau sa stiu si eu c e pronume reflexiv trebuie la propozitile urmatoare:
1 Radu enjoyed______at the party
2 Jo made_______a new dress for the party
3 The young people at the convention introduced_________to the people they didn't know
4 'When i go back to romania I'm going to make_______a big photo albu, 'said Alina.
5 Have you ever imagined________ living in a foreign country?
6 'Make sure you don't burn_________when yiu're making the sausagres, 'said Mrs Taylor.
7 'We're old enough to look after_____
8 Even Candy, the dog, had a good time. it found________ a nice sausage on somebody's

Răspuns :

1. himself 2. herself 3. themselves 4. myself 5. yourself sau yourselves (depinde cator persoane se adreseaza) 6. yourself 7. ourselves 8. itself

In limba romana e "pronumele de intarire":
Pers I sg myself = eu insumi/insami
Pers II sg yourself = tu insuti/insati
Pers III sg M himself = el insusi
Pers III sg F herself = ea insasi
Pers III sg N itself = el insusi/ea insasi (neutru)

Pers I pl ourselves = noi insine/insene
Pers II pl yourselves = voi insiva/inseva
Pers III pl themselves = ei insisi, ele insele

Pronumele de intarire (reflexiv) se foloseste de regula in 3 cazuri: Cand subiectul si obiectul asupra caruia se rasfrange actiunea e acelasi (I hurt myself. ); Cand se doreste intarirea faptului ca un anume subiect a facut actiunea si nu altul (She did it by herself.);Se foloseste o prepozitie in fata unui pronume care face referire la subiect (I am talking to myself.).