a fost răspuns

Translate into english
1)Dupa amiaza m-au dus la gradina zoologica si au hranit maimutele.
2)Cei doi hoti au furat multi bani dar politia i-a prins.
3)In zilele noastre femeile doresc sa aiba aceleasi joburi ca si barbatii.
4)Am cumparat doua franzele, doua cutii de lapte, cinci tablete de ciocolata, patru doze de cola, doua sticle de vin, trei conserve de ton, sase pachete de chips si 8 felii de sunca pentru petrecerea de maine.
5)Poti sa mergi pana in oras si sa imi aduci niste hartie?
6)Sfarurile pe care ti le-am dat au fost ignorate.
7)Unde mi-ai pus banii? Nu-i gasesc nicaieri.
8)Pantalnii tai noi sunt pe umeras iar pijamaua este in dulap.
9)Ce grele sunt bagajele tale! lasa-ma sa te ajut.
10)Stirile sportive se difuzeaza de la ora 8.
11)Sotiile trebuie sa fie fidele sotilor, iar sotii sa le iubeasca mult.
12)Am vizitat mai multe tari ale Europei.

Răspuns :

1) In the afternoon I went to the zoo and fed monkeys.2) The two thieves stole money but police caught him.3) Today women want to have the same jobs as men.4) I bought two loaves of bread, two boxes of milk, five chocolate bars, four doses of cola, two bottles, three cans of tuna, six packets of chips and 8 slices of ham for the party tomorrow.5) You can go to the city and bring me some paper?6) Sfarurile that you have given them were ignored.7) Where did you put the money? Not find them anywhere.8) Pantalnii your pajamas us are on a hanger and is in the closet.9) How heavy are your luggage! let me help you.10) Sports News airs at 8.11) The wives must be faithful husbands and wives love them more.12) I have visited several European countries.