Va rog proiectul 4 care zice sa asa: share the covers of sports magazines you have brought with your group.Exchange opinions about those sports.
Are they exciting?
Do you like them?
Would you like to try any of them? Why?
Choose one member of your group to tell the rest of the class the sports you wold like to try.
Choose a sport you know about and answer these questions in your groups.
Is it difficult?
What equipment do you need?
Where can you do it?
Is it expensive?
Draw a poster in your agenda to present that sport.Show your poster to the other groups and answer their questions.
Pupils who practise or know something about one of these sports go together and set up an exhibition to present that sport.Visit the exhibition and ask for information on the sport/s you want to try! Va rog e urgent! Cine imi zice ce trebuie sa fac si sa imi scrie in 30-35 randuri rezolvarea are 30 puncte+coroana!