a fost răspuns

vreau 10 propoziti in engleza despre bunele maniere + traducere

Răspuns :

1) Wait for everyone to be served. Asteapta ca toata lumea sa fie servita
2) Keep your things off the table. Nu iti pune lucrurile pe masa
3) Whoever arrives at a door first holds it for the next person. Oricine ajunge primul la usa, o va tine deschisa pentru urmatoarea persoana
4) Let people off the bus and then enter the bus. Lasa mai intai pasagerii sa coboare, apoi urca tu in autobuz.
5) Respect the meeting time. Respecta timpul de intalnire
6) When asking for something say "Please". Cand ceri ceva, spune "Te rog"
7) Do not interrupt people speaking to each other, unless it's an emergency. Nu intrerupe persoane care vorbesc intre ele, doar daca este o urgenta
8) When receiving something, say "Thank you" Atunci cand primesti ceva, spune "Multumesc"
9) Knock on closed doors and wait for a response before entering. Bate la usi inchise si asteapta un raspuns pana sa intri.
10) Eat with your mouth shut. Mananca cu gura inchisa.
1.If the door is closed, it is respectful and good manners to knock and wait for permission to enter. (Daca usa e inclusa este politicos sa bati la usa si sa astepti sa ti se dea permisiunea sa intri.)
2.  Never go looking through another person's private possessions without their permission. (Niciodata nu te uita in lucrurile personale ale cuiva fara permisiunea lor.)
3.Take your cap/hat off at the dinner table. (scoate-ti sapca/caciula la masa.)
4. Wait for everybody to be seated before starting to eat. (Asteapta ca toata lumea sa fie asezata la masa inainte de a incepe sa mananci.)
5.Say please and thank you. (spune te rog si multumesc.)
6. Don't talk when you have food in your mouth and don't stuff your mouth too full. (Nu vorbi cand ai mancare in gura si nu pune prea multa mancare in gura.)
7.Always chew with your mouth closed. (mananca mereu cu  gura inchisa.)
8. Use your cutlery and not your hands to eat. (Foloseste tacamurile cand mananci si nu manca cu mana)
9.Don't pick or blow you nose at the table, excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. (nu te scobi in nas sau nu-ti sufla nasul la masa, scuza-te si mergi la toaleta.)
10.If you want to borrow something make sure you return whatever it is you borrow. (Daca imprumuti ceva returneaza intotdeauna acel lucru.)