a fost răspuns

traduceti in engleza
nu este politicos sa te uiti la oameni cand mananca.
nu,nu ma deranjezi,privesc doar apa cum izbeste malul.
poti sa te asezi,este scaunul pe care il folosesc eu cand am musafiri.
asteapta-ma, vreau sa-ti vorbesc!
am increde in tine;vin la tine de indata ce imi termin serviciul.

Răspuns :

not polite to look at people when they eat.no, do not bother me, just watch as water hits the shore.you can sit, it is the seat that I use when I have guests.wait for me, I want to talk to you!I trust you; come to you as soon as I finish the service.
It's not polite to look at people when they eat.
No,you don't distrub me,I'm just looking how water hit the shore.
You can sit down,it's the sit that I use when I have guest.
Wait,I want to talk to you.
I trust you;I'll come to you immediately what I finish work .