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I have not yet travelled on a bus in India that has not been packed to bursting point, with people inside and luggage on top ; and they are always so old that they shakes up every bone in the human body. if the buses are always the same, so is the landscape through which they travel. Once a town is left behind, there is nothing till the next one except flat land, broiling sky, distances and dust. Especially dust: the sides of the bus are open with only bars across them so that the hot winds blow in freely, bearing desert sand to choke up ears and nostrils and to set one's teeth on edge with grit.

Răspuns :

Inca nu am calatorit cu un autobuz in India care sa nu fie plin ochi, cu oameni inauntru si bagajele deasupra; iar acestea sunt atat de vechi incat iti scutura toate oasele din corp. Daca autobuzele sunt intotdeauna la fel, asa e si privelistea pe langa care ele calatoresc. Odata ce orasul este lasat in urma, nu exista nimic pana la urmatorul, in afara de pamant plat, cer fierbinte, distanta si praf. In special praf: lateralele autobuzului sunt deschise existand doar niste bare de protectie de-alungul, asa ca vantul fierbinte bate nestingherit, plimband nisipul desertului pana umple urechile si narile si ii calca pe nervi pe pasageri.