Easter is a Saint Holiday to all the Christians. In this day Jesus Christian comes alive. On Easter Eve, me and with other members of my family, Cook different kind of dishes like cabbage rolls, roast lamb, boiled red coloured eggs - the red colour simbolise the Jesus Christian's blood. We also Cook mamaliga. In late night , somewhere at 01:00 a.m. I go at the Church, where the parson sprinkles the Easter Cake, the Easter Eggs, salt with Saint Water. When I wake up in the morning, I wash my face with an simple egg, an Easter egg and few coins. Then I drink Saint water and eat a slice of Easter Cake, an Easter egg and the other meals. And starting from that Day We greet people saying "Hristos a înviat" 40 days, and on Ispas We greet "Hristos a înălțat" the last Day.