
Cine imi traduce compunerea binee ! Repede va rog frumos !!! Dau coronita !
Intr-o dupa-amiaza calda de primavara, unde soarele mangaia usor pamantul, vantul adia plapand si firav ramurile copacilor care abia inmugurisera, ma plimbam prin padurea care parca a reinviat din starea de hibernare totala. Copacii se miscau parca din locul unde natura i-a pozitionat. Ma indrept spre casa de vacanta a bunicului si incet-incet simt ca ma ratacesc, imbiata de mireasma proaspata care se simtea In aerul umed.

Incep sa devin agitata pentru ca nu mai gaseam drumul cel bun. Imi indrept privirea spre cer si ametesc. Simt cum picioarele ma lasa si cadiIn genunchi pe frunzele putrezite si ude. Ma cufund In ele. Adorm Incet si Incep sa visez copaci ninsi si pamant de aur. Mai lipsea o casa roz si credeam ca sunt in rai, dar in cateva secunde ma trezeste vocea calda si dulce a bunicului meu speriat. Ma ridic si privesc in jur, dar imi dau seama ca nu mai eram In locul initial, ci eram in fata curtii bunicului. Acesta m-a intrebat ce-am patit, dar am refuzat sa-i spun adevarata poveste pentru ca nu vroiam sa trezesc banuieli.

Răspuns :

In a hot spring afternoon, where the sun was petting easily the earth, the wind was nicely blowing the branches of the fresh springed trees . I was taking a walk in the fresh awaken forest. In my mind, the trees were like moving from the place the nature has placed them. I'm heading to my grandfather's house and easily I am feeling that I'm getting lost , being drunk by the lovely sweet nature.

I am becoming agitated because I was lost from the right way. I'm am looking at the sky and I'm starting to get dizzy. I feel how my knees are getting weaker and I'm falling easily on the moist leaves. I'm like bathing in them. I'm easily sleeping and dreaming snowed trees and golden ground. If it would have been a pink house, I would've said it was heaven , but in a few seconds I was awaken by my grandfather's sweet frightened voice. I'm getting up and I am realising that I wasn't in the same place, I was in my grandfather's yard. my grandfather asked me what happened but I refused to tell him because I didn't want to look suspicious.
( sper ca te-a ajutat :-*:)