Răspuns :
Hi there!
Cerinta: Fill in do or make.
Completeaza cu "do" sau "make"
a)Students were making noise while arranging the exhibition.
b)Granny asked me to make some coffee for her.
c)Most of the children have done the job correctly.
d)She prefers to make cakes herself.
e)If you make at least a mistake when knitting, everything will go wrong and you'll have to do the work all over again.
f) Boys like to make different carved things.
g) Do the ironing of all crocheted articles you have made.
h)Mum asked me to do my best to help my younger brother.
Folosim “DO”:
➤ atunci cand vorbim despre serviciu sau sarcini care nu produc nimic fizic,palpabil;
do the housework/ do your homework/ do a good job/do your chores
Ex. I have to do my homework every day.
➤Atunci cand vorbim despre activitati generale, fara nimic specific;
do something/do nothing/ do everything
Ex. Hurry up, I`ve got a lot of things to do!
➤Pentru a inlocui un verb atunci cand sensul este clar, evident;
do your hair/ do the dishes/ do the laundry
Ex. Have you done the dishes yet? (washed)
Folosim “MAKE”:
➤ atunci cand este vorba despre a produce, a crea sau a construi ceva nou.
➤ atunci cand este indicata originea unui produs sau materialul din care este facut;
made of gold/ made in China/ made by me
ex. Her wedding ring is made of gold.
➤ inaintea unor substantive despre planuri sau decizii;
make arrangements/ make a decision/make a choice/ make a plan
Ex. He must make a decision right now.
➤ atunci cand produce o actiune sau o reactie;
make you happy/make you sleepy/ make you smile
Ex. Onions make your eyes water.
➤ cu un act vorbire sau anumite sunete;
make a noise/ make a comment/ make a suggestion
Ex. The baby is sleeping, don`t make any noise!
I need to make a call.
➤ atunci cand este vorba despre mancare, bautura sau mese ale zilei
make a cake/make breakfast/make dinner/make a cup of coffee
ex. My mother is making a cake for my birthday.