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Imi puteti traduce si mie textul acesta in engleza ? Taj Mahal, mormantul lui Mumtaz
Aflat pe malul raului Jumna, mormantul lui Mumtaz Mahal, sotia imparatului mongol Shah Jehan, a fost construit in anul 1643, de catre 2.000 de muncitori. Monumentul este tributar arhitecturii islamice: cupola sa e asemanatoare cupolei unei moschei, cele patru minareturi circulare care inconjoara mormantul sunt identice acelora din care imamii cheama populatia la rugaciune, iar decoratiunile intregului edificiu abunda in motive florale. P.S. Dau coronita

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Located on the shore of the lake Jumna, Mumtaz Mahal's grave, the wife of the mongol king Shah Jehan. It was built in 1643 by 2000 builders. The monument is a tribute to Islamic architecture: its dome and the dome from a church look alike. The four circular minarets that are circlying the grave are the same as the ones from where the Imamis are calling the population to pray, and the decorations of the whole edifice abound in floral patterns