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Un incident amuzant in engleza(tradus in româna).

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I was at school and we had to make a project.Two classmates decided to make the project with me.They brought glue,scissors and other materials.One of them used too much glue and got some on his hand.He accidentally touched the other classmate and got his hand stuck to his head.We all started laughing and the teacher sent them to the bathroom to get rid of the glue.It was a really funny incident.


Eram la scoala si trebuia sa facem un proiect.Doi colegi au decis sa faca proiectul cu mine.Au adus lipici,foarfeci si alte materiale.Unul dintre ei a folosit prea mult lipici si a pus putin pe mana lui.El l-a lovit pe celalalt colegg din greseala si mana lui s-a lipit the capul lui.Toti am inceput sa radem iar profesorul i-au trimis la baie sa scape de lipici.Era un incident foarte amuzant.