
Traduceti-mi si mie ca rog frumos fraza (in engleza) : Maa ta este foarte suparata. I-ai promis ca o sa-ti faci curat in camera dar nu ai facut. Camera este un dezastru. Cipsuri pe jos , haine aruncate , framituri pe jos dai dovada de bunul respect pe care nu-l ai. Ar trebui sa-ti faci curat ca altfel mama ta te va pedepsi crunt.
Va rogg ajutati-ma !

Răspuns :

Your mother is very sad. You promised her that you clean up in your room but you didn't.The room is a disaster.Chips on the floor,discarded clothes,crumbs on the floor,you give good proof of respect that you haven't it. You should do your clean because otherwise your mother will punish you severely.                            


Your mother is very upset. I've promised to clean up your room but you did not. ChamberIt is a disaster. Chips on the floor, discarded clothes, walking framituri give good proof of respect that you have it. You should do your clean because otherwise your mother will punish you severely.