a fost răspuns

Past Perfect.. de trandus : (fara ''translate'' va rogg..)
1. A vrut sa stie ce țari straine am vizitat.
2.Cand profesoara l-a intrebat pe George de ce nu si-a scris exercitiul el i-a explicat ca a fost bolnav.
3. Daca îi stiam adresa îi scriam o scrisoare lunga despre cele întamplate aici.
4. Cand l-am întalnit pe Fred el îsi astepta soția de mai bine de o ora.
5. Lucrau deja in laboratorul acela de cateva luni cand au facut descoperirea...
====dau coroana====..

Răspuns :

1. He wanted to know what countries i have visited.
2. When the teacher asked George why he didn't write his exercise he explained that he has been sick.
3. If I knew his adress I would write him a long letter about what has happened here.
4. When I met Fred he has been waiting for his wife for more than an hour.
5. They have been working in that laboratory for a couple of months when they made the discovery.
1.He wanted to know what foreign countries I have visited
2.When the teacher asked George why didn't he do the exercice, he explained that he was ill
3. If I knew his adress, I would have written him a long letter about the things that happened here.
4. When I met Fred he was waiting for his wife for more than an hour.
5. They already worked in that lab for several months when they made the discovery.