
Traduce-ti-mi si mie in engleza urmatoarea fraza:
In comedia animata Sunt un mic ticalos, intr-un cartier din suburbii cu locuinte curate, inconjurate de garduri albe si tufisuri de trandafiri, exista o singura casa de culoare neagra, care are in fata o peluza neingrijita. Fara ca vecinii sa banuiasca ceva, casa intunecata si sumbra ascunde un secret, fiind locuita de catre cel mai mare ticalos al planetei, pe nume Gru (Steve Carell).

Dupa ce Vector (Jason Segel) alt ticalos fura piramidele de la Giza, inlocuindu-le cu niste imitatii perfecte, Gru si armata lui de infractori intentioneaza sa realizeze cel mai spectaculos jaf posibil: sa fure Luna de pe cer.

Planul merge excelent pana in ziua in care Gru intalneste trei fetite orfane pe nume Agnes, Edith si Margo, care ii imblanzesc sufletul si ii ating coarda sensibila, privindu-l ca pe un potential tata. Si astfel, cel mai perfid ticalos din univers este fortat sa faca fata provocarii pe care i-o lanseaza cele trei orfane si sa renunte la planul lui diabolic de a fura Luna in animatia Sunt un mic ticalos.
Este urgent va rog sa ma ajutati!

Răspuns :

In the animated comedy Despicable, in a suburban neighborhood with houses clean, surrounded by white fences and rose bushes, there was only one black house, which is in front of an unkempt lawn. Without neighbors to suspect something dark and gloomy house a secret, being inhabited by the planet's greatest villain named Gru (Steve Carell).
After a Vector (Jason Segel) another villain steals the pyramids at Giza, replacing them with some perfect imitations, Gru and his army of criminals intends to achieve the most spectacular robbery possible: to steal the moon.
The plan goes great until the day Gru meets three orphan girls named Agnes, Margo and Edith, who tame the soul and touches a chord, watching him as a potential father. And so, the most insidious villain in the universe is forced to face the challenge that I launched a three orphan and give up his diabolical plan to steal the moon in the animation Despicable Me.