Răspuns :
Movies are better than books.
In my opinion, I think movies are way better than books. It takes you a long time to read a book. Sometimes you can't imagine what happens in the book, you can't see the action, the comedy, or even romance. I suppose books were meant to be read so we could be more clever and learn new information about our world but movies are better. You can see the action, the comedy, the romance and all the special effects. You learn new things but faster. You can enjoy a book but you could never like it more than a movie. Movies were created for entertainment, so we could have fun watching them. Sometimes, movies are making us cry, they teach us very important things, they are emotional. Maybe this isn't right but I think that movies are always gonna be better than any book in this world.
Filmele sunt mai bune decat cartile.
In opinia mea, cred ca filmele sunt cu mult mai bune decat cartile. Iti ia mult timp sa citesti o carte. Cateodata nu poti sa-ti imaginezi ce se intampla in carte, nu poti sa vezi actiunea, comedia, sau chiar romanta. Presupun ca, cartile au fost facute sa fie citite in asa fel incat sa invatam lucruri noi despre lumea noastra dar filmele sunt mai bune. Poti sa vezi actiunea, comedia, romanta si efectele speciale. Inveti lucruri noi dar mai repede. Poate sa iti placa o carte dar nu ti-ar putea place niciodata mai mult decat un film. Filmele au fost facute pentru diatractie, in asa fel sa ne distram cand le privim. Cateodata, filmele ne pot face sa plangem, ne invata lucruri foarte importante, sunt emotionante. Poate asta nu e corect dar cred ca filmele o sa fie mereu cu mult mai bune decat orice carte in lumea asta.
Sper ca te-am ajutat. Am facut din mintea mea. :)
In my opinion, I think movies are way better than books. It takes you a long time to read a book. Sometimes you can't imagine what happens in the book, you can't see the action, the comedy, or even romance. I suppose books were meant to be read so we could be more clever and learn new information about our world but movies are better. You can see the action, the comedy, the romance and all the special effects. You learn new things but faster. You can enjoy a book but you could never like it more than a movie. Movies were created for entertainment, so we could have fun watching them. Sometimes, movies are making us cry, they teach us very important things, they are emotional. Maybe this isn't right but I think that movies are always gonna be better than any book in this world.
Filmele sunt mai bune decat cartile.
In opinia mea, cred ca filmele sunt cu mult mai bune decat cartile. Iti ia mult timp sa citesti o carte. Cateodata nu poti sa-ti imaginezi ce se intampla in carte, nu poti sa vezi actiunea, comedia, sau chiar romanta. Presupun ca, cartile au fost facute sa fie citite in asa fel incat sa invatam lucruri noi despre lumea noastra dar filmele sunt mai bune. Poti sa vezi actiunea, comedia, romanta si efectele speciale. Inveti lucruri noi dar mai repede. Poate sa iti placa o carte dar nu ti-ar putea place niciodata mai mult decat un film. Filmele au fost facute pentru diatractie, in asa fel sa ne distram cand le privim. Cateodata, filmele ne pot face sa plangem, ne invata lucruri foarte importante, sunt emotionante. Poate asta nu e corect dar cred ca filmele o sa fie mereu cu mult mai bune decat orice carte in lumea asta.
Sper ca te-am ajutat. Am facut din mintea mea. :)