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Va rog frumos ma ajutati si pe mine cu traducerea urmatorului fragment.URGENTTT!
Many British teenagers consider an array of electrical goods in their bedrooms to be a necessity rather than a luxury.Ross for instance has $150 PlayStation complete with ten games.If I didn't have my TV and my games ,I'd die of boredom.
Lucy Isaacs,another sixteen-year-old student at the same school as Ross thinks nothing of spending $80 on a pair of designer jeans or $30 to have her hair cut.
I wouldn't go to a party unless I had something new to wear.I only wear designer labels.
The study revealed that materialism has had a devastating effect on the attitudes of British teenagers.It's more important to wear the right clothes and to have the latest things than to show a caring nature and to admit to doing good deeds.The study showed that boys for example often feared that they would be teased and laughed at by their peers if they admitted to doing voluntary work,such as work with charities.
In the meantime some schools are recognising that materialism is sometimes linked to bad behaviour and are trying to find ways of rewarding students for responsible behaviour.Whether this will be successful remains to be seen.VA ROG FRUMOS!

Răspuns :

Multi adolescenti britanici considera ca o retea de bunuri electrice in dormitorul lor e mai degraba o necesitate decat un lux. Ross, de exemply, are o statie completa de jocuri de 150 de dolari cu zece jocuri. "Daca n-as avea televizorul si jocurile, as muri de plictiseala".
Lucy Isaacs, o alta eleva de 16 ani de la aceeasi scoala ca si Ross, nu-si face o problema din a cheltui 80 de dolari pe o pereche de ginsi de firma sau 30 de dolari sa-si taie parul. "Nu m-as duce la o petrecere daca n-as avea ceva nou de purtat. Port doar etichete de firma".
Studiul dezvaluie ca materialismul a avut un efect devastator asupra comportamentului adolescentilor. E mai important sa poarte hainele potrivite si sa aiba cele mai noi obiecte, decat sa arate ca au o fire grijulie si sa recunoasca faptul ca fac fapte bune. Studiul a aratat ca baietii, de exemplu, s-au temut ca vor fi tachinati si colegii vor rade de ei daca recunosc ca fac munca de voluntariat, cum ar fi munca de caritate.
In acest timp unele scoli recunosc ca materialismul e ceva legat de un comportament gresit si cauta sa gaseasca metode de recompensare a elevilor care au un comportament responsabil. Daca aceasta metoda va avea succes ramane de vazut.