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scott was white fang's new master .he was a good man and soon whitefang began to like him .later they became friends friendship was something new for the dog.he felt it for scott is master not for mat.white fang used to work all day .at night he used to guard his master's things and he liked what he did .
one day his master began to pack and soon he left white fang fell sick for the first time in his life and mat took him into the house then scott got a letter from mat the dog cannot work, connot eat i don't know what him

Răspuns :

Scott era noul stapan al lui Colt Alb. Era un om bun si curand Colt Alb incepu sa-l placa. Mai tarziu au devenit prieteni. Prietenia era ceva nou pentru caine. El o simtea pentru Scott, stapanul lui, nu pentru Mat. Colt Alb obisnuia sa munceasa toata ziua. Noaptea obisnuia sa pazeasca lucrurile stapanului lui si ii placea ce facea.
Intr-o zi stapanul lui inceput sa impacheteze si in curand el pleca. Colt Alb s-a simtit rau prima oara in viata lui si Mat l-a luat in casa. Apoi Scott a primit o scrisoare de la Mat: "Cainele nu poate munci, nu poate manca, nu stiu ce sa fac cu el".