
1. I perform i.si theme when the phone rang. 2.children playing outside when it started to wind. 3.Fetita color while the boy was building a castle. 4.Elevi wrote while Professor dictate.
*** 1.Ei i.si efectua tema cand a sunat telefonul. 2.Copii se joaca afara cand a inceput sa bata vantul. 3.Fetita colora in timp ce baiatul construia un castel. 4.Elevi scriau in timp ce profesorul dicta.***( aceste sunt intrebarile in romana ..cele in engleza sunt traduse cu google ..traducere.. )
Ajutor trb sa pun prop la interogativ!

Răspuns :

1.She was doing her homework when the phone rang.Was she doing her homework when the phone rang? 2.The children were playing outside when it started to wind.Were the children paying outside when it started to wind? 3.The girl was coloring while the boy was building a castle.Was the girl coloring while the boy was building a castle? 4.The pupils were writing while the teacher was dictating.Were the pupils writing while the teacher was dictating?
1. She was doing her homework when the phone ringed.
2. The children play outside when the wind started howling.
3. The girl was drawing when the boy was building a castel.
4. The pupils were writing when the teacher was talking.