Complete the sentences with a preposition of motion. Completeaza propozitiile cu o prepozitie de miscare.
With horror , he saw a train coming TOWARDS him.
1. We walked ____ the bank of the river as far as the bridge.
2. We crossed ___ the bridge to the road.
3. The children crawled ___ the bed to hide.
4. It's hard to walk ___ a hill, but it's easy to run ___ it.
5. I pushed my way ___ the thick jungle.
6. She told him to come away ___ the edge of the cliff.
7. She dived ___ the water and swam ___ the river to the other side.
Va rog mult , ajutati-ma ! Mi-a promis profesorul ca ma asculta azi ! Dau coroana si tot ce vreti voi !Help ! :(