Răspuns :
Cerinta: Corecteaza greselile din propozitiile urmatoare. Rescrie-le.
Peter didn`t sang very well.
Peter didn't sing very well
Did Anne studies French?
Did Anne study French?
We didn`t be late for school yesterday
We weren't late for school yesterday
Harry runned very fast.
Harry ran very fast.
Does Susan saw you?
Did Susan see you?
Tony plaied the guitar in a pop group.
Tony played the guitar in a pop group.
Paul didn*t the homework.
Paul didn't do the homework
Past Simple este un timp verbal care exprima actiuni incepute si incheiate in trecut, al caror moment este precizat. In limba romana , traducem cu perfect compus. (eu am vorbit, tu ai alergat,etc)
Mod de formare:
Afirmativ: Subiect+Verb/-ed sau forma a II-a
Interogativ: Did+Subiect+Verb
Negativ: Subiect +didn`t+ Verb
La forma afirmativa, daca verbul este regulat ii adaugi”-ed”, daca este neregulat ii scrii forma a doua. La interogativ si negativ, verbele se intorc la prima forma.
# daca verbul se termina in "-y" si are in fata o consoana, cand adaugi "-ed", "y" se tranforma in "i"
ex. I cry- I cried
I try- I tried
I play- I played (in fata lui "y' este vocala)
Verbul "to be" nu urmeaza regula!
A: I was/you were/he,she,it was/we were/you were/they were
I: was I?/were you?/ was he,she it?/ were we?/were you?/were they?
N: I wasn`t/ you weren`t/ he,she,it wasn`t/ we weren`t/you weren`t/they weren`t