
Am si eu nevoie urgenta va rog de cat mai multe superstitii in limba engleza cu traducerea lor!! Dau coronita!!

Răspuns :

•A superstition says you have to crush the shells of the eggs after they use? Well, this superstition says that if you do not crush the shells of the eggs will come a witch at midnight and will make a boat out of them that will go offshore and bring rain.=> O superstitie spune ca trebuie sa strivim cojile de la oua dupa ce le folosim? Ei bine, aceasta superstitie spune ca daca nu strivim cojile de la oua, va veni o vrajitoare in miezul noptii si isi va face o barca din ele cu care va merge in larg si va aduce ploaia.
•The famous Christmas cake ... made sure to superstition and on account of this subject. It seems that everyone must contribute to the preparation of this cake to shun bad luck in the new year. It seems that unmarried girls and boys should contribute more to the cake if they want to marry that year=> Celebra prajitura pentru Craciun… sigur ca s-a facut o superstitie si pe seama acestui subiect. Se pare ca toata lumea trebuie sa contribuie la prepararea acestei prajituri pentru a se feri de ghinion in noul in an. Se pare ca fetele si baietii necasatoriti trebuie sa contribuie mai mult la prajitura daca vor sa se casatoreasca in anul respectiv.
•It seems that rice symbolizes prosperity, wealth, happiness couple who throw the couple. This superstition is to us and this is no surprise at all.=> Se pare ca orezul simbolizeaza prosperitate, avere, fericire in cuplu care se arunca asupra mirilor. Aceasta superstitie se face si la noi iar acest lucru nu ne mira absolut deloc.
• Another superstition is the eggs with luck ,, ''. It seems that many people break eggs on agricultural land next year to have a very rich culture. It also says that eggs can be used to foretell future. Specifically if you find an egg with two yolks means that marry very soon.=> O alta superstitie o reprezinta ,,ouale cu noroc''.Se pare ca  oamenii sparg foarte multe oua pe terenul agricol pentru a avea anul urmator o cultura foarte bogata. De asemenea, se spune ca ca ouale pot fi folosite pentru a se prevesti viitorul. Mai exact daca gasesti un ou cu 2 galbenusuri inseamna ca te casatoresti foarte repede.
#Sper ca te-am ajutat :*