Răspuns :
Let's go at theatre.(Hai sa mergem la teatru)
Why dont we received a marks?(De ce noi nu am primit note?)
How can I make this exercise?(Cum pot eu sa fac acest exercitiu?)
What about of my poster?(Ce ziceti de posterul meu?)
I think we should go to bed.(Cred ca ar trebui sa ne culcam)
We could help our parents.(Noi am putea sai ajutam pe parintii nostri.)
Would you like to say me what happened to you?(Poti sami zici ce sa intimplat cu tine?)
I was wondering if you need help.(Ma intrebam daca aveai nevoie de ajutor.)
I'd love to know you better but you are bad,(Miar placea sa te cunosc mai bine dar esti rau.)
I'm afraid I can't learn history better.(Ma tem ca nu pot sa cunosc istoria mai bine.)
I suppose so you're hiding somthing from me (Presupun ca tu ascunzi ceva de la mine.)
I don't really feel up to it good.(Nu ma simt in stare buna.)
I'd love to learn this poem.(Mi-ar placea sa invat aceasta poezie.)
That would be great if we will go for a walk.(Ar fi grozav daca noi ne vom duce la o plimbare.)
Anothe time perhaps maybe we will meet.(Alta data poate ne vom intalni.)
I'm not sure i can go at school today.(Nu sunt sigur daca pot sa merg la scoala azi.)BINGO!!!
Why dont we received a marks?(De ce noi nu am primit note?)
How can I make this exercise?(Cum pot eu sa fac acest exercitiu?)
What about of my poster?(Ce ziceti de posterul meu?)
I think we should go to bed.(Cred ca ar trebui sa ne culcam)
We could help our parents.(Noi am putea sai ajutam pe parintii nostri.)
Would you like to say me what happened to you?(Poti sami zici ce sa intimplat cu tine?)
I was wondering if you need help.(Ma intrebam daca aveai nevoie de ajutor.)
I'd love to know you better but you are bad,(Miar placea sa te cunosc mai bine dar esti rau.)
I'm afraid I can't learn history better.(Ma tem ca nu pot sa cunosc istoria mai bine.)
I suppose so you're hiding somthing from me (Presupun ca tu ascunzi ceva de la mine.)
I don't really feel up to it good.(Nu ma simt in stare buna.)
I'd love to learn this poem.(Mi-ar placea sa invat aceasta poezie.)
That would be great if we will go for a walk.(Ar fi grozav daca noi ne vom duce la o plimbare.)
Anothe time perhaps maybe we will meet.(Alta data poate ne vom intalni.)
I'm not sure i can go at school today.(Nu sunt sigur daca pot sa merg la scoala azi.)BINGO!!!