a fost răspuns

Whales live in the cold seas .
There are over 80 different species of whale .
The biggest are the blue whales . These can be over 30 metres long and weigh 150 tonnes . A blue whale's heart is 2 metres tall and weighs half a tonne.Its tongue is 3 metres thick an heavier than an elephant .
Whales are mammals , not fish .This means :
they have warm blood.
they have to come to the surface for air .
they feed their young on milk
Whales are very intelligent and enjoy playing .They spend three times longer playing than looking for food .
Whales sing to each other underwater.These songs can last for several hours and are louder than Concorde .Whale songs can travel a long way ,as far as 850 km vreau cuvinte scoase si transcrierea fonetica . va rog urgenttttt !!!!!!!

Răspuns :

Exista peste 80 de specii diferite de balene, cea mai mare este balena albastra care poate avea 30 de metri si 150 de tone, inima unei asemenea specii are 2 metri inaltine si o tona jumate.Limba este de 3 metri si este mai groasa si mai grea decat un elefant.
Cand spunem ca balenele sunt mamifere ne referim la:
Au sange cald
Vin la suprafata pentru aer
Isi hranesc puii cu lapte
Balenele sunt foarte inteligente si le place sa se joace.Acestea isi pierd trei sferturi din timp jucanduse si cautand mancare.
Balenele isi canta una celeilalte sub apa, melodiile lor pot dura ore intregi si sunt mai zgomotoase decat concorde.Sunetele scoase te balene traverseaza un spatiu mare aproape 850 km.