It was a beautiful sunny day, and me and my friends went for a walk in the park of our city. Once we arrived there, we began to fell good, talking about different things.My friends were very funny, and one of them really likes to write poems, and he even wrote me one.His name is Mihai. He knew that I like cars, so that was the subject of the poem, and he used so manny words, he has built an awesome vocabulary.So, after a while, he said that we should go somewhere else,so we did. We took the bus, and we arrived in the center of the town, where we saw a book store. Let"s go inside, he said. After about 5 minutes, he saw a relly interesting book about planes, so he decided to take it. We arrived to the cash desk, he paid it and, after we got out of the store, he told me that the book is for me. I was so happy, so I said "Thanks" to him, and we had a great day!...