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Pentru fiecare om casa lui este mai frumoasa si mai mare ca un castel indiferent ca este o casa saraca sau bogata. Casa unui om, pentru el este castelul unde s-a nascut, a crescut si a ajuns unde este. Chiar daca avem o casa mica ea este cel mai mare castel pentru noi.Acest proverb sugerează faptul că indiferent de starea socială pe care un om o are, este mulțumit doar dacă are unde să doarmă.

Răspuns :

For every human, his own house is more beautiful and bigger than a castle no matter if is a "poor" or a "rich" house. The house is for a human the castle where he was borned, where he grew and became where he is now. Even if we have a small house, it is the biggest castle for us.This quote sugest that no matter the social life that a human has, he is thankful for having a roof above his head,
For every people, his house is  more beautiful and more big than a castle, indifferent it is a poor house or rich. A people's house, for him is castle where he was born,grew and reached where is. Even if we a little house ,it is the big castle for us. 
pare rău,la ultima-mi vine puțin mai greu să o traduc !