a fost răspuns

O poveste in engleza care sa se sfarseasca cu fraza: I was so relieved wen the day was finally over! Pana la ora 10:00 va rog mult !

Răspuns :

The creepy street

Someday, I was to my BFF (best friend sau best friend forever adica prietena me cea mai buna sau prietena mea ce mai buna pentru totdeauna...) and someone follow me. It was a person. A person who i don't ever meet. I think ,,I have to run". When I start to run, this person run too. It was so creepy. When I stop I think ,,Now I'll die! It's time!" I look around me and i saw Max, my dog. I relized it was my dog who follow me because I forgot to look the door. I was so relieved when the day was finally over!

Sper ca te-am multumit si ca te-am ajutat.