Merg la magazin.
I'm going to the shop.
Plimb cainele.
Walking the dog.
Fac temele.
Doing homeworks.
Scrie bine.
Write well.
Am primit bomboane.
I got candys.
Merg la magazin sa cumpar banane si oua.
I go to the store to buy bananas and eggs.
Ma joc cu cainele meu in parc.
I play with my dog in the park.
Ma duc sa ma joc cu prietenii mei fotbal.
I'm going to play fotball with my friends.
Ma duc sa vad un film duminica asta.
I'll go to see a movie this Sunday.
Trebuie sa ma duc la antrenamente pentru a juca mai bine fotbal.
I have to go to training to play better fotball.
Sper ca te-am ajutat.