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The milkam sets out on his travels
I sat down and suddenly felt very sick.The Germans will kill me next,I thought.The know that Scudder was staying in my flat and they'll quess that he told me their plans. The police will think that I killed him. I'll go away for a few weeks.Then I'll come back to London and go to the police.I thought that Scotland would be a good place to go. I could catch the early morning train. But how was I to get out of the flat undetected? Then suddenly I had a great idea. Every morning at half past six th

the milkman brought the milk. My idea was to borrow his white hat and coat and the can of milk. Then I could get away from the building disguised as a milkman. I collected some clean clothes and some money. The I went to bed and slept for a few hours. It was twenty minutes to seven now,and milkman was late. But suddenly I heard the noise of the milk can on the stairs ,and I opened the door. Come in,please,I said .I want to speak to you.He came into the flat and I shut the door.

Listen I said I want you to help me.I took a pound note out of my pocket and added, if you agree,I'll give you this. When he saw the money,his eyes opened wide. What do you want me to do? He asked. Let me borrow your clothes for a few minutes. I can't explain anything now but I'll be back in ten minutes. You'll be a bit late,but nobody is going to complain and you'll have that money for yourself. All right,he said. I like a bit of fun too. I put on his clothes and I went out of the flat

Shutting the door behind me. Then whistling, I clattered down the stairs. The porter in the main entrance told me to make less noise. Obviously the disguise was working . In the first side street I took off the milkman's clothes and raced towards St Pancras Station. I didn't have a second to spare before the train left for the north.

Răspuns :

M-am asezat si mi s-a facut rau.Germanii ma vor omori urmatoarea,mi-am zis.Ei stiu ca Scudder statea in apartamentul meu si vor crede ca mi-a spus planurile lor.Politia va crede ca eu l-am ucis.O sa plec pentru cateva saptamani.O sa ma intorc in London si merg la politie.Am crezut ca Scotia ar fi un loc bun in care sa merg.As putea lua trenul de dimineata devreme.Dar cum ar trebui sa ues din apartament nevazuta?Dintr-o at mia venit o idee grozava.
In fiecare dimjneata la 6 jumate omul cu laptele imi aducea lapte.Ideea mea a fost sa imptumut palaria sa alba, haina si cutia cu lapte.Asa as putea iesi sin cladire deghizata ca omul cu laptele.Am luat niste haine curate si ceva bani.Apoi am dormit pentru cateva ore.Era 7:20 acum,omul cu laptele intarzia .Dintr-o data am auzit sunetul cutiei cu lapte pe scari si am deschis usa.
-Intra,te rog;am spus.Vreau sa vorbesc cu tine.
A intrat in apartament si a inchis usa.
-Asculta,am spus,vreau sa ma ajuti.Am luat o lira din buzunar si am adaugat,daca esti de acord iti dau asta.Cand a vazut banii,a deschis ochii larg.
-Ce vrei sa fac?a intrebat.
-Lasa-ma sati iau hainele pentru cateva minute.Nu pot explica nimic acum dar ma voi intoarce in cateva minute.O sa intarzii putin dar nimeni nu se va plange si poti sa iei banii.
-Bine,a spus.Si mie imi place sa ma distrez.
Mam imbracat cu hainele lui si am iesit din apartament,inchizand usa dupa mine si fluierand,am coborat scarile.Portarul de la intrarea principala mi-a spus sa fac mai putin zgomot.Evident deghizarea mea functiona.La prima strada mi-am dat jos hainele si am fugit catre statia St.Pancras.Nu am avut nici o secunda a risipesc inainte ca trenul sa plece spre nord.