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De la indemnurile de pe plaja „nu dati banii pe prostii, luati bomboane la copii!” s-a ajuns la reclame TV cu un efect hipnotizator asupra copiilor. Ceea ce pare doar un mijloc de a-i manipula pe parinti, de a-i determina sa cumpere sub presiunea rugamintilor copiilor, are un impact mare asupra dezvoltarii personalitatii micutilor privitori.
Un copil obisnuit din SUA vede 40.000 de reclame TV pe an. Fiecare american are un televizor in casa, iar 66% dintre copii au unul in camera lor. Un copil se uita aproximativ trei ore si jumatate la televizor si petrece alte trei ore la computer ori jucand anumite jocuri video, care sunt incadrate de reclame. Parintii cheltuiesc 15 miliarde de dolari pentru produse destinate copiilor si adolescentilor.
Sunt statistici americane, dar reflecta o situatie intalnita si la noi in tara. Copiii par sa fie „instigati“ sa-i lase pe parinti fara bani pentru ca ei sa-si poata consolida statutul in fata colegilor, prietenilor, celor de varsta lor. La cealalta extrema, solutia gasita de Suedia a fost de a interzice reclamele adresate copiilor sub 12 ani. Atentia acordata copiilor de industria publicitatii este legata si de schimbarile in atmosfera si rutina unei familii.
Membrii familiei sunt tot mai departati unii de ceilalti. Ambii parinti muncesc foarte mult, apeleaza la credite si devin dependenti de locul de munca. Ei au, de regula, un singur copil. Acesta nu beneficiaza de timp suficient cu parintii si nici de suportul fratilor si surorilor, care i-ar putea distrage atentia de la TV sau de la computer. Parintii resimt pe de-o parte sentimente de vinovatie pentru absenta lor din ceea ce ar trebui sa fie viata de familie si, pe de alta parte, doresc sa ofere copilului ceea ce ei nu au primit. Astfel se ajunge ca banii sa fie cheltuiti necontrolat pe orice vede copilul in reclame.
Copiii primesc mai multa putere, bani, beneficii decat oricand si cei care lucreaza in industria publicitatii stiu asta. Produsele care cu ani in urma erau destinate celor de 15-16 ani acum sunt folosite de cei care au 11-12 ani. Publicitarii numesc asta „age compression“. Ceea ce ar insemna ca in prezent copiii se dezvolta mult mai rapid si isi doresc privilegiile si produsele adolescentilor si adultilor. Iar pentru cei care promoveaza astfel de produse este important sa-si preia clientii cat de timpuriu posibil si sa-i mentina pe termen cat mai lung.
Primul pas ar fi scoaterea televizorului din camera copilului si plasarea lui intr-un spatiu comun. Iar cand copilul urmareste ceva la televizor, parintii ar fi bine sa fie prezenti pentru a intelege ce-l preocupa pe copil si a-i ghida timpul de relaxare. Rasplata pentru teme (desi n-ar trebui sa existe, temele sunt responsabilitatea lui) este bine sa nu insemne timp petrecut la computer sau jocuri video, ci timp petrecut cu familia. Comunicarea se invata, se exerseaza, nu se pretinde la varsta pubertatii.
Timpul petrecut in afara casei este placut, relaxant si duce la evitarea transformarii membrilor familiei in consumatori profesionisti de TV. Senzatiile placute, de relaxare, inducerea ideii de siguranta, de apartenenta, de iubire, de putere, toate sunt folosite pentru a vinde un produs. De fapt, toate acestea pot fi oferite doar de familie si nu de un produs ori de o suta de produse.

Răspuns :

From exhortations from the beach "does not give money on nonsense, take candy from children!" Was reached with effect hypnotist TV commercials on children. What seems only a means to manipulate parents to persuade children to buy pleas under pressure has a big impact on personality development in young children onlookers.An average US child sees 40,000 television commercials per year. Every American has a TV in the home, and 66% of children have one in their room. A child is about three and a half hours watching television and spend three hours at the computer or playing certain video games that are surrounded by advertisements. Parents spend 15 billion dollars on products for children and adolescents.There are American statistics, but reflects a common situation in our country. Children seem to be "instigated" to let parents out of money for them to be able to consolidate its status in front of colleagues, friends, their peers. At the other extreme, the solution was found by Sweden to ban advertising to children under 12 years. Attention to children's advertising industry is linked and changes in routine and a family atmosphere.Family members are farther from each other. Both parents work a lot, resort credits and become addicted to work. They usually one child. They do not have enough time with their parents and brothers and sisters no support, which might detract from the TV or computer. Parents felt on the one hand feelings of guilt for their absence from what should be family life and, on the other hand, want to offer their children what they did not receive. This leads to uncontrolled money to be spent on any child sees in advertisements.Children receive more power, money and benefits than ever and those who work in the advertising industry know that. Products that years ago were for those 15-16 years ago are used by those who were 11 to 12 years. Marketers call this "age compression". That would mean that far more children grow fast and they want privileges and for older products. And for those who promote such products it is important draw its customers as early as possible and keep them as long-term.The first step would be removing the child and placing the TV in his room in a shared space. When the child seeks something on TV, parents should be present as well to understand that preoccupy children and guide them during relaxation. The reward for homework (though would have to be, the themes are the responsibility of) you should not mean time spent at the computer or video games, but also time spent with family. Communication is learned, is practicing, does not claim puberty.Time spent outdoors is pleasant, relaxing and avoids family members in consumers turning professional TV. Pleasant sensations, relaxation, inducing the idea of ​​safety, belonging, love, power, all are used to sell a product. In fact, all this can be offered only by family and not a product or a hundred products.
Sper ca te-am ajutat,multa bafta.