a fost răspuns

Care este diferenta intre un adjectiv lung si scurt ? Cum le diferentiez?

Răspuns :

Adjectivele scurte au o silabă. Ex. :  Hot.
Adjectivele lungi au mai multe silabe . Ex. : Beautiful.
Adjectivele monosilabice si cele bisilabice care se pronunta scurt formeaza comparativ de superioritate prin adaugarea terminatiei "er" si superlativ prin adaugarea terminatiei "est" - iar adjectivul se articuleaza cu art. hotarat.
monisilabice (o silaba)
hot - hotter - the hottest
small - smaller - the smallest

bisilabice (doua silabe)
pretty - prettier - the prettiest
cloudy - cloudier - the cloudiest

Adjectivele bisilabice care se pronunta lunga si cele plurisilabile formeaza comparativ de superioritate punandu-i-se in fata "more" si superlativ punandu-i-se in fata "the most"
bisilabile (2 silabe)
polite - more polite - the most polite
crowded - more crowded - the most crowded
careful - more careful - the most careful
handsome - more handsom - the most handsome

plurisilabile (mai multe silabe)
comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable
intelligent - more intelligent - the most intelligent

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