Nu se poate "I was airport when..." deoarece ar avea sensul de "Am fos aeroport cand...". Probabil ai vrut sa spui "I was at the airport when..." asa ca voi continua astfel...
I was at the airport when someone asked me where I will go with the airplane.
"I am going to Romania. It's a beautyfull country with an original history."
"oh, I'm sorry to annouce you that, but, that airplane was about a hour ... You're late, buddy!"
I was so scared. I losted the airplane and I was nervous. The single solution was to go at my home and to buy another ticket...
Eram la aeroport cand cineva m-a intrebat unde ma duccu avionul.
"Ma duc in Romania. Este o tara frumoasa cu o istorie originala."
"Oh, imi pare rau sa te anunt asta, dar, avionul acela a fost cam acum o ora... Esti intarziat, amice!"
Eram foarte speriat. Am pierdut avionul si eram stresat. Singura solutie era sa ma duc acasa si sa cumpar un alt bilet...
Coroana please? :3