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Buna,eu sunt Tara.O leoaica nord-africana care traieste in Gradina zoologica din Canada.Azi voi fi lasata sa imi petrec timpul cu familia mea din Africa.
Am ajuns cu bine la familie.Ne-am jucat si cel mai bun lucru pe ziua de azi a fost procurarea hranei.Am observat o gazela pe care am pus ochii din prima.Am stat la panda asteptand momentul ideal pentru a o ataca.Am alergat 12 km.,dar a meritat.Cei prezenti m-au felicitat pentru simplul fapt ca am prins o gazela de una singura.
A fost cea mai fericita zi din viata mea petrecuta din nou in sanul familiei.

Răspuns :

Hello,I am country.A lioness North African who lives in zoo in Canada.Today I am going to be left like to spend time with my family in Africa.I had arrived in the family.We played the best thing today was procuring food.I noticed a gazelle which I put his eyes from the first.I've been lurk waiting for the ideal time to attack it.I ran 12 km. ,but it was worth it.Those present professors for the simple fact that I caught a gazelle one.It was the happiest day of my life spent again in her breast family.