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Shoemaking became more commercialized in the mid - 18th century . They began to stock footwear in warehouses , made by many small manufactures from the area . By the end of the 19th century , the process had been almost completely mechanized , with production occurring in large factories . The first steps towards mechanization were taken during the Napoleonic Wars by the engineer Marc Brunel .
Through history , shoe making shows distinct trends in three areas : function , protection and fashion . In Medieval times , the long toes on men's shoes were a sign of status . Women , however , wore ankle shoes with side laces . In the Middle Ages , men's and women's shoes changed into round and square toe shapes and wider soles . Higher hills on women's shoes appeared in the late 1500s .
For centuries , shoemaking has had a universal influence . Shoes have also evolved to serve virtually every purpose . Nowadays , we can find a wide range of shoes , beginning with the most sophisticated , embellished with diamonds , and ending with the athletic ones and those for children that light up and make noise .
Throughout history , shoes have become much more than a covering for our feet . Rather , shoes speak of status , gender , ethnicity , religion , and profession . You can tell a lot about a person from their shoes .
Modern technology allows for new innovations in footwear by using computerized design - measuring , cutting and constructing patterns . Nevertheless , traditional shoe makers still exist and create custom-made shoes for those who want , who need and who choose to wear such footwear items .

Răspuns :

Fabricarea pantofilor a devenit mai comercializata la jumatetea secolului al 18-lea. Oamenii au inceput sa pastreze incaltamintea in depozite, care erau realizate de productii din zone. La sfarsitul secolului 19, prcesul a devenit aproape complet mecanizat, cu productii in fabrici uriase. Primii pasi catre mecanizare au fost facuti in timpul Razboaielor Napoleice de inginerul Marc Burnel.
De-a lungul istoriei, in fabricarea pantofilor se aratau cele trei mari categorii: rol, protectie si moda. Pe timpuri medievale, degetele mari lungi ale pantofilor barbatillor reprezentau rangul social, in timp ce pantofii femeilor erau pana la glezne cu sireturi pe margini. In Evul Mediu, incaltamintea femeilor si a barbatilor s-a modificat, devenind rotunda si cubica in zona degetelor, precum si talpi mai mari. Tocurile inalte la incaltamintea femeilor au aparut la sfarsitul anilor 1500. 
De secole, incaltamintea a avut o influenta universala. Pantofii au evoluat de asemenea devenind mai practici. In zilele noastre, putem gasi o larga varietate de incalltaminte, incepand cu cele mai sofisticate modele pietruite cu diamante, pana la pantofii sport si cei pentru copii care stralucesc si scot sunete. 
De-a lungul istoriei, pantofii nu au fost folositi doar pentru a ne proteja picioarele. De fapt, acestia reprezinta statutul social, sexul, etnia, religia si profesia. Poti spune multe despre o persoana doar uitandu-te la pantofii purtati. 
Tehnologia moderna ne acorda inovatii in privinta pantofilor folosind designul compiutenizat - masurarea, taierea si modelele de folosire. 
Nu in ultimul rand, producatorii traditionali de pantori inca exista si creaza modele speciale pentru doritori, care au nevoie si care vor sa poarte astfel articole de incaltaminte.