Complete the sentences using the correct form of the pronoun
Completaţi enunţurile folosind forma corectă a pronumelui
1. They build their house themselves.
2. It's automatic. It switches itself off.
3. I like looking at myself in the mirror.
4. John, I can't help you. Can you do it yourself?
5. I hope you both enjoy yourselves.
6. We didn't buy it, we made in ourselves.
7. She taught herself to play the guitar.
8. He cut himself badly.
Pronume personale ⫸ Pronume reflexive
I ⫸ myself
you ⫸ yourself
he ⫸ himself
she ⫸ herself
it ⫸ itself
we ⫸ ourselves
you (plural) ⫸ yourselves
they ⫸ themselves