a fost răspuns

Am de facut o scrisoare in engleza adresata prietenei mele in care sa o amunt ca am gasit o locuinta de vanzare chiar in apropiere de casa mea.

Răspuns :

Dear Joanne,

I have the pleasure to inform you that I've found a house for sale very close to mine. It is not on the same street, it's on Riverdale the second one after you turn the corner on the left. It's quite a big one - almost exactly what you told me to look for. It has 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms on the first floor; on the ground floor there is a huge living room, a study, a dining room, a kitchen, and a small bathroom. The kitchen is fully equipped.
Please try to find a couple of days to come to me, and we will visit the house. The landlord told me that he had two or three good offers for his house. However, he will be waiting for you to come in the next five or six days, because he wants to sell the house to someone reliable, who will be taking good care of it.
Please send me your reply as soon as you receive my letter.

Kind regards
