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He didn’t know how or why they were here, but the reality was starting to sink in. They thought about it much and got to the conclusion that they were dreaming. But others claimed that they were abducted by aliens, some said that this was an illusion, and others claimed that they have been given a probe and had been brainwashed by those same aliens.Suddenly Julian said “ Wait, I remember I was sleeping earlier, but the strange thing is that I can not remember anything else. “ Lots of the other people confirmed that hunch. Everyone became really frightened at that moment, and moments afterwards there was a loud and irritating scream from a woman 100 meters away, who was running at them, being chased by alien-like pig raiders with big axes. Panic spread through the people quickly and started running chaotically in different directions.The pigs were 2.50 meters, were covered in slime and mucous, and stank really bad. The disoriented people were about fifty. Part of them were brutally killed on spot, part were taken in slavery and eventually were killed one by one. Just 10 people survived. They found some strange looking large tents with really strong beaming lights emerging from their openings. One was Gray, the other was Red. Six or seven of them went through the Grey one, while the others went through the red one.The people, who went in the first tent, found themselves in a place, where lava was everywhere, chains rattled all the time, and were greeted by Saddam Hussein.The second group, with Julian in it, found themselves on a diluted piece of blue land, where they heard a chorus sing, and were surrounded by hundreds of other people, who for some reason couldn’t talk. They were in a back of some sort of line. After an hour or two they met a tall figure, standing in mid-air,which was really bright. Julian narrowed his eyelids and looked up and recognized the face of St. Peter holding a big notebook and a pen. At that moment Julian started to get the big picture.They were in Heaven. After passing through the old, but shiny and big golden gates, Julian went to search for god, hoping that he would give a satisfying explanation to this whole story.When he finally met the holy one, God said:You died when a bib, full flowerpot fell on our head from 20 meters. You were the people of whom everyday I am uncertain of if I should let them in heaven or hell, so I send them for 10 hours in Purgatory,where I judge them by their acts and decisions, deciding where they should go. The ones, who were killed,were reborn on Earth to live another life. You and others were guided by me to the portal to heaven, because you showed mercy to those servants of the devil, who killed most of the people there. The other surviving group were sent to hell, because of their unstopping rage, at moments even at you.

Răspuns :

El nu știa cum de au ajuns acolo sau de ce erau acolo, dar realitatea își făcea simțită prezența. S-au gândit mult despre ce s-a întâmplat și au ajuns la concluzia că visau. Dar ceilalți își susțineau ideea că ar fi fost manipulați de extratereștri, unii spuneau că a fost o iluzie, alții spuneau că li s-a făcut o probă și au fost spălați pe creier de aceași extratereștrii. Deodată Julian a spus : " Stai, îmi aduc aminte că dormeam înainte, dar lucrul ciudat este că nu-mi aduc aminte nimic altceva. " O sumedenie de oameni au confirmat acea bănuială. Toți deveniseră înfricoșați în acel moment, după câteva clipe s-a auzit țipătul zgomotos și iritant al unei femei de la 100 de m depărtare, care fugea câtre ei, fiind urmărită de niște extratereștri arâtând ca niște porci cu topoare mari. Panica s-a împrăștiat asupra oamenilor care o luase la fuga haotic, în toate direcțiile. Porcii aveau 2 metri jumătate , erau acoperiți de o mucozitate, și aveau un miros dezgustator.
Erau cam 50 de oameni dezorientați. O parte din ei au fost uciși brutal in locul acela, alții au fost luați drept sclavi și au fost omorâți unul câte unul.
Doar 10 oameni au supraviețuit. Au găsit niște corturi mari și ciudate cu o puternică lumină venind din interior. Una era gri ,alta roșie. Șase sau șapte oameni au fost in cea gri , pe când ceilalți au fost în cea roșie. Persoanele care au fost in primul cort s-au trezit într-un loc în care lava era peste tot. Nu mai pot, e prea mult.