
Translate into English :
Era ora 5 de dimineata. La peronul garii din orasul sirian Alep se afla tras un tren , denumit pompas in mersul trenurilor: TAURUS EXPRESS compus dintr-un vagon restaurant cu bucatarie si salon , un vagon de dormit si doua vagoane obisnuite.
La scara vagonului de dormit un tanar locotenent francez, in toata splendoarea uniformei sale, conversa cu un om maruntel infofolit pana la urechi , caruia nu i se vedea nimic altceva decat varful rosu al nasului si mustata rasucita in sus.
Era un ger patrunzator iar misiunea de a conduce un oaspete strain nu era una de invidiat insa, locotenentul Dubos isi juca rolul cu barbatie.

Răspuns :

It was 5(five) in  the morning.At the station platform from Alep a syrian city is pulled a train,whit the name pompas in the train's time list.Taurus express compossed of restaurant whit kitchen and lounge ,un car to sleep and 2 normal cars.
At the stairs od the train for slepping a yung man french lieutenant,in  his uniform in all its splendor,was speaking whit a short man ear wrapped up,which i do not ess norhing but his  red nose and mustache curled up.It was a piercingly cold and the mission to drive a stranger guest it wasnt one to envy but,lieutenant Dubos was plaing the rol whit manhood.