a fost răspuns

Ma ajuta si pe mine cineva cu traducerea acestor fragmente ? VA ROOOG !!

1. To get around London most visitors choose the Official London Transport Sightseeing Tour, a 90-minute ride on an open bus starting in Trafalgar Square and offering the tourists the chance to admire the most beautiful sights of the city.
2. West End theatres with their wide range of show are just a few minutes' walk from Piccadilly Circus and so is the world famous Covent Garden , home of the Royal Opera.
3. If you'd rather explore London on your own , there's a wide network of public transport : double - deckers ( don't forget to queue , otherwise Londoners will be irritated ) , river buses or the underground ( if you have speed in mind ) ; the black-cab taxi service is also available but it is rather expensive.
4. One can also choose from the many attractions offered by the modern arts centre built on the South Bank of the Thames, wich houses the National Theatre , the Royal Festival Hall , the National Film Theatre , with its two cinemas , the Museum of the Moving Image and an exquisite art gallery.

Răspuns :

1. Ca sa faca inconjorul Londrei multi vizitatori aleg turul orasului cu transportul oficial londonez, un circuit de 90 de minute cu un autobuz descoperit pornind din Trafalgar Square si oferind turistilor ocazia sa admire cele mai frumoase privelisti ale oralui.
2. Teatrele West End cu gama bogata de spectacole sunt la cateva minute distanta pe jos de Piccadily Circus si tot asa este celebra Covent Garden, sediul Operei regale.
3. Daca preferi sa explorezi Londra pe cont propriu, exista o retea larga de transport in comun: autobuze cu etaj (nu uitati sa stati la coada, altminteri londonezii vor fi suparati), autobuze ce merg de-a lungul raului, sau metroul (daca va grabiti); exista si serviciul cu taxiurile negre, dar e destul de scump.
4. Puteti alege din multiplele atractii oferite de centrele de arta moderna construite pe tarmul sudic al Tamisei care adapostesc Teatrul National, Sala Regala de festivitati, Sala nationala de film si teatru, cu cele doua cinematografe ale sale, Muzeul de imagini care se misca si o galerie de arta splendida.