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This summer, join the International Conservation Scouts on a fun-filled holiday with a difference.Year after year, young people from all around the world get togheter at one of our sixteen conservation camps.Their shared aim? To help protect the countryside and its wildlife.
Many animals and plants are in danger of dissapearing forever.The dormouse, for example, needs woodlan plants for food and trees to nest in.Its habitat is being destroyed by man and it needs our help to survive.On a conservation camp holiday you will learn all about nature and how to protect it.Our trained leaders will accompany you and tell you everything you need to know.Because of this you don't need any experience, just energy and enthusiasm.You will explore the countryside and work to ensure the survival of hundreds of animals and plants and still have plenty of time to enjoy the camp's excellent sports facilities and organised nature trails through beautiful scenery. Imi pare rau ca am scris atat de mult ! sper sa primesc un raspuns fara traducere.com . Multumesc!

Răspuns :

Vara aceasta alaturate cercetasilor de conservatie internationala la o vacanta plina de distractie.An dupa an oameni tineri din toata lumea se impreuneaza la una di 16 tabere de conservatie.Scopul lor comun?Sa ajute la protectia mediului rural si a faunei sale.Multe animale si plante sunt pe cale de disparitie pentru totdeauna.Soarecul de camp de exemplu are nevoie de plante de padure si pomi pentru cuib.Habitatul lui incepe sa se distruga de om si are nevoie de ajutor sa supravietuiasca.Intr-o tabara de conservatie vei invata totul despre natura si cum sa o protejezi.Liderii nostri antrenati te vor acompania si iti vor spune tot ce trebuie sa stii.De aceea nu trebuie sa ai experienta doar energie si entuziasm.Vei descoperi mediul rural si vei lucra pentru a asigura supravietuirea unor mii de animale si plante si vei avea si timp destul sa te bucuri de activitatile taberei.