
Traduceti in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
1. Dupa ce vin de la scoala merg la colegul meu.
2. Eu scriu acum o compunere despre prietenie.
3. Tatal meu este pilot de avion.
4. Imi place foarte mult sa ma plimb cu bicicleta.
5. Nu pot sa cred! Am luat nota mare la test! Nu ma asteptam!

Răspuns :

1. After you get home from school I go to my friend.2. I now write an essay about friendship.3. My father is an airplane pilot.4. I love to ride the bike.5. I can not believe! I note higher in test! I did not expect!
After I leave the school, I go at my classmate.
Now I write a essay about friendship.
My dad (father) it's a pilot.
I like very much to ride by bicycle.
I don't believe! I took a high note in test! I did not expect!
Sper sa fie bune ;)