a fost răspuns

am nevoie de o compunere in care sa prezint o problema cu care m-am confrutant de ex am vrut sa imi fac tema si s-a luat curentul

Răspuns :

One day, after I finished school, I got home. I did some chores, and then ate. It was about 6 o'clock when I finished everything. My mom told me that I had to start my homework. It was 6:30 when I was ready to start my homework. When I started to look throw my agenda, I realized that I have a lot of homework to do. So I started to do my homework at maths. I didn't have a calculator, so I tried to do the equations on my head, but I couldn't. My laptop was broken, and my mom was gone. I didn't have a phone, because I was grounded (pedepsit). So I couldn't do maths, so I started something else. I started to do physics and chemistry, but, again, I couldn't. I did everything else. When I went to school, I got a 4 at maths chemistry and physics, and my mom got even more angry at me.