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Once upon a time, there was an honest little fellow named Hans. He was a man with a kind heart. He lived in a tiny cottage alone and everyday he worked in his garden. Hans had many friends, but the best one was Hugh the Miller. Hugh the Miller always went to Hans's house in order to recollect flowers for himself.
Hugh the Miller always talked about how important is friendship and to share everything with one's friends, but he never gave anything to Hans.
Hans always worked in his garden, but in winter he felt lonely and lived in bad conditions because of the cold weather, and because anyone visited him.
Hugh waited the spring to go to see Hans in order to recollect flowers such as primroses.
When Hugh arrived at Hans' house, Hans told him that he would bring all the primroses into the market and sell them to buy back his wheelbarrow, because throughout the winter he had to sell it, because he needed the money to eat.
The Miller told Hans that he would give him his wheelbarrow, although it was not in good repair, because of that he boasted about being generous. However, the in fact, he would give it to him because he had a new one for himself.
Hans said that he could repair the wheelbarrow because he had a plank of wood. When Hugh listened to him, he asked Hans to give him the plank of wood because he needed it, and he told Hans that he should give him that because hewas going to give him the wheelbarrow.
The Miller also asked Hans to give him some flowers because he deserved them because he was going to give him the wheelbarrow.
The next day, The Miller asked Hans to bring a sack of flour for him to the market, and he should do it because he was going to give him his wheelbarrow.
The following day, Hugh went in order to ask Hans to mend his barn-roof for him, and Hans should do it because he was going to give him the wheelbarrow.
The next day, Hans drove the Miller's sheep to the mountain because the Millerwas going to give him his wheelbarrow.
One night, The Millar went to see Hans with a lantern and a big stick because his son has fallen off a ladder and he wanted Hans to go to call the Doctor. However, he didn't want to give Hans the lantern because he said it was new.
Hans went to see the Doctor.
The Doctor went in his horse, and little Hans went alone, without seeing because of the darkness, and he fell into a hole and he drowned.
After the funeral, The Miller said that Hans was a great loss for him because he was going to give him his wheelbarrow, and then, he did not know what to do with it, and that it was in such bad repair that he would not get anything for it if he sold it. The Doctor went in his horse, and little Hans went alone, without seeing because of the darkness, and he fell into a hole and he drowned.