
Cine poate traduce corect in engleza textul acesta:
''Alina este un copil normal din Romania. In timpul scolii ea se trezeste la ora 7. Dupa ce ia micul dejun, se pregateste de scoala. La 7:45 este deja pe drum spre scoala. Materia ei preferata este matematica. Are note destul de bune. La finalul orelor de curs, vine acasa si isi pregateste temele pe a doua zi. Daca mai are timp, isi ajuta mama la treburile casei, iar daca isi indeplineste toate sarcinile, primeste in jur de 1 dolar ca bani de buzunar zilnic. Cam asa decurge o zi din viata unei eleve din Romania.''?
Ofer coroana.

Răspuns :

Alina is an ordinary child from Romania.She wakes up at 7 o'clock when she has to go to school.After she eats breakfast,she gets ready for school. At 7:45 she is already on her way there. Her favourite subject is maths. She has good marks. When she finishes school,she comes home and helps her mother with the chores. If she does everything she has to she gets about 1 dollar for her work every day. This is how a day in a child's life is here in Romania.