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Cine ma ajuta cu o traducere in engleza??va rog,cat mai repede. Pe aleea unui parc se zaresc doi indragostiti ce se tin de mana spunandu-si ca se iubesc.trec 2 ani de iubire dintre cei 2.iubirea lor induiosatoare nu se mai termina,era ceva fantastic.intr-o zi ei stateau in casa,el relaxandu-se iar ea stand la pc.deodata suna telefonul lui mike ,era fosta lui prietena care inca mai vroia sa fie impreuna,insa el o refuza dar accepta sa ramana amici,fosta lui il suna in fiecare zi,ieseau amandoi pe aleea din care cu cativa ani in urma el se plimba cu mary.mary ,actuala iubita devenea tot mai geloasa si refuza sa creada ca mike nu o mai iubeste dar din pacate asa era.in cele din urma mike se desparte de mary și se casatoreste cu rivala ei

Răspuns :

On the driveway of a park you can see the two lovers hold hands and that is telling love. Pass two years of their endearing love of the two. love  does not finish , it was fantastic.intr day they stay at home , relaxing it and she suddenly  stand at Mike's phone call was former his friends still wanted to be together , but he refused but agreed to remain friends, his former call him every day , both in the alley that came out a few years ago he was walking with mary.mary , current girlfriend became increasingly jealous and refuses to believe that Mike did not love her anymore but unfortunately so era.in eventually splits mary mike and marries her rival