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In viata profesionala nu se premiaza viteza ci calitatea. Nu trebuie sa te focusezi pe a avea succes imediat, ci pe a construi o cariera de succes care sa dureze toata viata.
Sunt cel putin 10 lucruri pe care trebuie sa le faci pentru ati construi o cariera de succes pe termen lung:
1. Stapaneste foarte bine domeniul in care lucrezi. Devino specialist. Invata continuu.
2. Munceste, implica-te si fii perseverent in tot ce faci la locul de munca.
3. Invata sa lucrezi foarte bine in echipa. Succesul echipei este si succesul tau.
4. Fii respectuos cu colegii si sefii tai. La fel si cu clientii si orice persoana cu care intri in contact.
5. Fii optimist si entuziast fata de munca pe care o faci.
6. Evita barfa si denigrarea celorlanti. Pastreaza relatii armonioase cu cei din jur.
7. Utilizeaza un limbaj civilizat si politicos cu toata lumea.
8. Solutioneaza cu tact si obiectivitate conflictele si neintelegerile care apar la serviciu.
9. Fii disciplinat atat cu programul propriu cat si cu cel al companiei in care lucrezi.
10. Invata din greseli. Greselile sunt inevitabile insa pot deveni cele mai bune lectii de viata.

Răspuns :

In the professional life speed isn't awarded , but quality. You don't have to focus on immediate success but on building a successful career that lasts a lifetime.
There are at least 10 things you need to do to build a long-term successful career:
1. Master the field you're working in. Become a specialist. Learn all the time.
2. Work , get involved and be a part in everything you do at your work place.
3. Team work is important. A team success is your success.
4. Be respectful with your colleagues and your boss. Be the same to your clients and any other person you get in contact with.
5. Be optimistic and enthusiastic to the work you're doing.
6. Avoid gossip and mocking other people. Keep good relations with the ones around you.
7.Use a polite language with everyone.
8.Solve every conflict and misunderstanding that comes your way tactfully.
9. Be disciplined with your own schedule as well as the company's .
10. Learn from your mistakes. They are unavoidable but they can be the best lessons in life.