a fost răspuns

Main characters of the play
the professor, between fifty and sixty years old
The girl pupil , erighteen years old
Story so far: At the beginning of the play , the pupil is a bright girl who wants to work for her ' Doctor 's Degree' which will take place ' in three weeks '
Then she stars complaining about toothache, but the professor shows no sympathy . As the play goes on, she ' will become more and more tired and sleepy','more and more possive'.
Scene : The old Professor's study , which is also his dining-room.
To the rear and slightly to the left there is a window hung with plain curtains, and outside , on the sill , pots of common or garden flowers. Three chairs round the table , two more on either side of the window, a light wallpaper , a few shelves holding books.
Professor:... How, for exemple , would you say, in English , the roses of my grandmother are as yellow as my grandfather who was born in Asia?

Răspuns :

Personajele principale ale piesei de teatru:
Profesorul, care are intre 50 si 60 de ani
Eleva, care are 18 ani
Povestea pe scurt: La inceputul piesei de teatru, eleva este o fata harnica, care vrea sa lucreze pentru  "Doctor's Degree" careia ii va lua locul in 3 saptamani. Apoi ea incepe sa se vaite de o durere de dinte. dar profesorul nu ii arata nici un fel de simpatie. In timp ce piesa de teatru continua, ea devine din ce in ce mai somnoroasa si obosita, din ce in ce mai posesiva.
Scena: Biroul profesorului batran, care este de asemenea sufrageria lui.
In spate si usor la stanga, este o fereastra cu perdele, iar afara, pe pervaz, ghiveci cu flori de gradina. Trei scaune in jurul mesei, si alte doua langa fereastra, un tapet deschis si careva rafturi cu carti.
Profesorul: Cum, ca exemplu, ai spune in engleza, trandafirii bunicii sunt la fel de galbeni ca bunicul meu care a fost nascut in Asia?