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DAU COROANĂ+ 70 puncte!!! Traduceți:
Do you go to collage Back home în Italy?
Yes, I do. I'm student at a tehnică collage Rome. I'm studying.
What are you qualifications for this job?
I'm a good swimmer and I'm fit. I've also got a life-saving certificate.
What are your working hours?
There are four of us and we work shifts. I usually start work at 9a.m. and finish at 2 p.m. but I sometimes work from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. I earn £200 a week. That's good money for a Summers job.
What do you like about being a lifeguard?
You meet people from all over the world-that's interesting-and every sau you help people. I like being near the sea and I like all water sports, especially windsurfing. And, of curse, you get a tan and meet lots of girls!
Is there anything you don't like about the job?
I don't like it when the weather's bad. Then my job îs really boring.

Răspuns :

Acasa, in Italia, mergi la facultate? Da, merg. Sunt student la facultatea tehnica din Roma. Studiez. Care sunt calificarile tale pentru acest loc de munca? Eu sunt un bun inotator si apt. De asemenea am un certificat de salvamar. Care sunt orele tale de lucru? Suntem patru si lucram in schimburi. De obicei incep lucrul la 9 a.m. si termin la 2p.m. dar uneori de la 2 p.m pana la 8. P.m. Eu castig 200£ pe saptamana. Sunt destui bani pentru un loc de munca vara. Ce iti place la a fi un salvamar? Cunosti oameni din toata lumea ceea ce este foarte interesant. Imi place sa fiu aproape de mare si imi plac toate sporturile pe apa, in special windsurfing. Si desigur te poti bronza si cunoaste o multime de fete. Este ceva ce nu ti place la acest loc de munca? Nu mi place cand este vreme rea. Atunci devine plictisitor.