a fost răspuns

Fill in the correct word.
*comptitive *co-operative *accurate *daring *careful *supple *patient *agile

1 An archer needs to be....................................... in order to hit the center of the target.
2 A gygynast needs to be.......................................... so that h can complete complicated routines.
3 A cricketer needs to be................................... so that he can play as a member of a team.
4 A footbal player needs to be................................ in order to beat the other team.
5 A fisherman needs to be................................... because he may have to wati for a long time before he catches a fish.
6 A fencer needs to be..................................... in order to avoid their competitor's sword.
7 A bungee jumper needs to be...............................because he has to jump from very high places.
8 A siker needs to be.........................................  so that he doesn't run into other people on the slopes.

Răspuns :

archer - accurate
fisherman - patient
bungee jumper - daring
cricketer - co-operative
fencer - agile
gymnast - supple
footbal player - competitive
Iar la ultimul - careful